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Your Website Shouldn’t be a DIY Project

Your Website Shouldn’t be a DIY Project

design-1210160__180It seems people want to do their website design themselves and why not? There is a wealth of material on the internet giving us tutorials on how to do things ourselves. Which in its entirety isn’t a bad thing. For example you can learn how to curl your hair by watching a video, however some of us then take it too far and think we can be car mechanics just by watching some video. I don’t need to tell you that without prior experience in auto mechanics your car is going to be in worse shape than when you began.

Every organisation needs a website as your website is your company’s face on the internet. So when people want to see what you  look like on the internet they check your website. So we wont even discuss whether it is necessary for you to have a website or not. “It is a MUST”.  Now you are thinking “Yes, I need a website but it is too expensive”, so you decide to DIY.

You get a web building application and start out. If you are not technically savvy, figuring out how the app works can  be very confusing and very frustrating. But let us say you get past all of that and you are able to build your website. Good! You have been able to save  money? Right or so you think. For a lot of people that use these web building apps are not aware of what it takes to stay on the radar, and how much it can affect them or their business. Most people that use web building apps aren’t aware of what it takes to stay on the radar, and how much it can affect you and/or your business. Once users create a site with a building app, they quickly realize that their website is practically invisible, making the website useless. It is therefore almost never a good idea for you to build your website yourself. In pidgin English “no try am oh!”

First of a lot of people that are not professionals underestimate web designing. Web designing is actually very important because if your website does not look appealing people are going to pass it over and move on the next. Your content needs to be informative. The website has to have a clear call to action. Your website has to be functional and not be a “Brochure Ware” but a powerful business tool that is an extension of your business. A client should not come to your website and not at first glance see what he is looking for, time is of essence.

Secondly if you know next to nothing about image editing, your website will have a big disadvantage. Images and graphics are an essential part of any website design. People like visual images of whatever it is they want to patronize. Like I said earlier your website is your face, they want to know what you look like. Resizing, cropping, and optimizing images are vital to your websites success. If your images are not resized and optimized, it will cause your website to load very slowly. This can also dramatically affect your Google rank. Do you know what Google Rank is? My point exactly. [Google PageRank (PR) is a measure from 0 – 10. Google Pagerank is based on backlinks. The more quality backlinks the higher Google Pagerank.]

If you use a DIY method to build your website you might be unaware of how much Google rankings can affect your website. Therefore, the website will not be successful. A website built with a generic site builder will most likely not do well with search engine rankings. It is therefore important for you to remember that you get what you pay for. You may save a little time and money, but your website will most likely fail.

You have too much to lose to apply a method that is ineffective, and can cost you perspective clients. Therefore come on board with us at Flash I.T Solutions  and let us give your website the face lift it deserves.