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Breathing Smartphone Charger: Charges Phone With Your Breath

Breathing Smartphone Charger

Breathing Smartphone Charger: Charges Phone With Your Breath

Breathing Smartphone Charger

AIRE Concept has indeed created a face mask that converts your breath to energy that can be used to charge your Smartphone. Here is how it works.

The AIRE mask is an electronic device capable of converting the energy produced by the air displacement (wind) during the users breathing into electrical energy. Inside the unit, there are small wind turbines that make the conversion. Then the energy is transferred through a cable to the device.

It can be used while sleeping, running, walking and while doing most activities that we do. This means your phone battery never has to be depleted.

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So you can play your favorite game on the go not worried about your battery level because as long as you are breathing, your phone gets recharged. Isn’t that just fantastic.

You do not need to wait to power your phone before you go out. You can power your phone on the move. Also if you are in a rural area where power supply is erratic or non-existent then this is a good way to power your Smartphone.

This breathing Smartphone charger saves you from the disappointments that come with inadequate power supply. In fact you never have to worry about your Smartphone’s battery power thanks to this wonderful tech.