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12 Reasons Why A Facebook Business Page Is Absolutely Important


12 Reasons Why A Facebook Business Page Is Absolutely Important

I have got a Facebook business page designed for every site of mine.This is not because I am crazy about social networks or trying to be too trendy.Its because its an absolute must.There are many reason why you should by all means get a Facebook page for your business and I will share below my top 12 benefits of creating and managing one.


#1 Increase Site Traffic.
fb-trafficYour Facebook business page will in almost all cases leverage on your Facebook personal page contacts and followers.Lets say you already have 4,000 friends on your Facebook personal account, this number will see your business page once published and shared on your personal account timeline.In addition, your friends and their friends also get to like or share your business page to their followers too.

#2 Meet your targeted audience.
Its a good thing that your friends and friends of friends gets to like, share and read post from your business page

but what is absolutely amazing is the fact that you get to draw the attention of only friends who are interested in what you are selling.This is key because it helps to build a database of fan who are keenly interested in your niche.audience

#3 Build a Loyal Fan base.
Closely following #2 above is having the opportunity to cultivate loyal followers who can easily translate to business leads in the nearest future.This is useful for the same reason most business owners provide newsletters subscription on their website so they do not loose them after a while.Loyal fans may have other reasons (sometimes based on sentiments) to patronize you other than pricing or value offered by your product and services.

#4 Drive Traffic to your website.
Your Facebook page can drive tons of leads to your website.This is especially beneficial for businesses selling online and/or offering products which can be ordered online in real-time.

#5 Spend Less on Marketing.
Facebook Ads are comparatively cheaper to Prints, ads on Radio & TV or any other traditional means of advertising.
In fact, setting up the page in the first place is absolutely free(except for a little expenses you might incur on hiring graphic designer for your logo and page cover).Your page can command thousands and even hundreds of thousand of followers without spending a dime on adverts with a bit of due diligence.Now how is that for a cheap means of potential business leads?

#6 Branding is everything!
Of course branding is not everything but lets look at it this way: If you have a great product at a competitive price, its as good as having a bad product if people do not belief in it.This is exactly what I mean by branding is everything!A Facebook business page allows you to impress on the minds of your fans and create an image that may not be easily eroded in a hurry.One of the reasons this happens, as I said before,is cos you have got your followers loyalty.

#7 Customer Care.
careIn most cases, major business customers get free and cheap supports right from company Facebook page comment section.This means your page can be setup to be a system where customer satisfaction cycle is completed from promotion, delivery and after care support.

#8 Free Analytic.
Facebook business page comes with a comprehensive analytic solutions called INSIGHT.This lets you have all the stats going down on your page on one spot!

#9 Apps & Tabs.
There are tons of Facebook Apps that you can leverage on to convert more traffic and sales.Facebook Tabs are only available on Business pages.

#10 Multiple page Managers.
Setting up a business page afford you the tool to add several admin and assign roles to them based on their assignment on the page.This allows a page to be used by multiple users for customer supports etc.Another absolutely fantastic aspect of Facebook admin is that it is transferable.

#11 SEO – Search Engine Optimization
seoHaving a Facebook page means exposing more and more information about your product and services to the public domain.This data can drastically improve your website ranking on major search engines like Bing, Google etc.Well, at the end of the day, you want to be seen and you want people to know about you. Isn’t what these is about?

#12 Being Professional.
From looks to implementation, a Facebook business page is simply fabulous in terms of being professional.Also, bear in mind that private Facebook accounts only supports a meager 5,000 friends.You absolutely want to give people the impression that you are serious about your business.So should go all out and grab as many customers as possible.